Lucy Wang
Writer, Performer, Comic, Educator

Put David Mamet, Amy Tan, and Gordon Gecko in a centrifuge and you get something like Lucy Wang's hilarious and clever JUNK BONDS.
I've enjoyed reading your script [screenplay FILL OR KILL] over again, and remembering how distinctive your voice was for me, when we went through the final round of judging. We're going to have fun diving into things with you this coming week....We chose well!
In sum, Lucy is a highly creative artist, whose writings challenge us to think deeply, even as we chuckle. Trying her hand at multiple genres and structures, as well as trying daring subject matter, Lucy brings a large and innovative talent to bear on all she does. She is always ready to try something new, even if the outcome is far from sure. It is these qualities, along with the sheer talent and ability she demonstrates, that confirm the wisdom of my original desire to collect her papers.
Sue Hodson, Curator of Literary Manuscripts, Huntington Library, San Marino, CA. (now retired)
ROBIN SWICORD Benjamin Button, Memoirs of a Geisha, Jane Austen Book Club
When asked about Wang's style, Terrence Cranendonk, director of Cleveland Public Theatre's New Play Festival, compared her use of language to poetry, saying that it is so lucid and intelligent...
West Side Leader


Lucy Wang is an award-winning, produced and published writer across many topics and genres. Her play JUNK BONDS won an award from the Kennedy Center and Best New Play from the Katherine and Lee Chilcote Foundation. She most recently won Outstanding Female Artist in L.A., and will be featured in a Look What She Did! short documentary to be released spring 2020. Her short play Two Artists Trying to Pay Their Bill won an international comedy prize, and inclusion in an anthology Best Ten-Minute Plays 2020 , published by Applause Books.
Lucy started performing standup comedy on a dare from Gloria Steinem. Her one woman shows, CHINESE GIRLS DON'T SWEAR and IT AIN'T EASY BEING CHINESEY, were hits in NY, L.A. and
her hometown of Akron, Ohio.
Lucy also writes screenplays and teleplays. She sold a half-hour TV comedy to ABC and won CAPE & FOX TV Writers Award for her one hour drama.
Her financial thriller screenplay FILL OR KILL won a coveted spot in a screenwriters lab, sponsored by Humanitas, Hedgebrook and Woolfpack. She has also wrote and directed a short film The Perfect Night.
She has taught at USC, OSU, Antioch L.A. and John Marshall High. In addition to mentoring students, Lucy freelances for The American Journal of Nursing. In 2018, she won the Silver Award from ASHPE for best news coverage in healthcare journalism. Her papers are archived at the Huntington Library in San Marino and at the University of MA at Amherst.
Lucy will be performing THE SILVER MENACE, June 8, 8 PM, Peter Jay Sharp Theater, 416 W 42nd St, NY, NY as part of the Downtown Urban Arts Festival #DUAF, For Tickets,
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